S.E.D.D.D. Psachna, Evia, Greece
Current Weather Conditions
15-Jul-2024 15:00
Outside Temperature |
34.8°C |
Wind Chill |
34.8°C |
Heat Index |
34.8°C |
Dewpoint |
11.8°C |
Humidity |
25% |
Barometer |
1011.2 mbar |
Barometer Trend (3 hours) |
-0.2 mbar |
Wind |
14 kph from 43° (NE) |
Rain Rate |
0.0 mm/hr |
Inside Temperature |
28.1°C |
High Temperature
Low Temperature
34.8°C at 14:58
22.3°C at 04:34
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
34.8°C at 14:58
22.3°C at 04:34
High Humidity
Low Humidity
54% at 05:29
24% at 14:50
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
16.9°C at 08:09
11.0°C at 14:50
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1011.8 mbar at 13:08
1010.0 mbar at 04:02
Today's Rain |
0.0 mm |
High Rain Rate |
0.0 mm/hr at 00:00 |
High Wind
42 kph from 70° at 14:41
Average Wind
6 kph
RMS Wind
8 kph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
5 kph
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
28.4°C at 14:50
25.4°C at 10:44
Latitude: |
38° 34.21' N |
Longitude: |
023° 38.64' E |
Altitude: |
110 meters |
Start civil twilight: |
05:41 |
Sunrise: |
06:13 |
Transit: |
13:31 |
Sunset: |
20:49 |
End civil twilight: |
21:20 |
Azimuth: |
234.2° |
Altitude: |
64.4° |
Right ascension: |
115.3° |
Declination: |
21.4° |
Equinox: |
22-Sep-2024 15:43 |
Solstice: |
21-Dec-2024 11:20 |
Rise: |
15:18 |
Transit: |
20:29 |
Set: |
01:06 |
Azimuth: |
109.8° |
Altitude: |
-2.8° |
Right ascension: |
218.1° |
Declination: |
-18.0° |
Full moon: |
21-Jul-2024 13:17 |
New moon: |
04-Aug-2024 14:12 |
Phase: |
First quarter (65% full) |
CYBEX SA Information Systems and Networking services
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